Monday, August 9, 2010

Tips To Keep Your Laptop Cool

A laptop is no doubt one of the most valuable technology assets that one owns, not because of its price, it is valuable because it makes each of every of your work possible with more ease and portability. The laptop carries a very low internal space as compared to the desktop computers and as a result of this, the cooling system of laptops is not quite well and the laptops get hot very soon.

Its summer time now and it could be called the crucial time for the laptops because the laptop gets hotter very fast and this extra hotness can affect the performance of your laptop so try to adopt a defensive method to kill the extra hotness. Here I am going to show you some ways that can help you in keeping your laptop cool.

-First of all you should try to keep the external environment as much cool as you can, use the air conditioner for keeping you and your laptop a bit cool and if it is not possible then rely on the fans of your room but something must have to be here for keeping the atmosphere cool.

-Nowadays there are many laptop cooling pads available in the markets, just put one under your laptop and it will ensure the air flow from the below surfaces and thus the laptop will stay cooler for longer times.

-If you can’t find the computer cooling pads then place any other thing like a book under your laptop and ensure the better air flow. This is a very simple trick for keeping the laptop cool and believe me it is the most affective one as well.

-This ultra-portable device is though designed for giving you the complete comfort while working still don’t be so relaxed that you stop this device of taking breathe, whenever you have placed the laptop on a bed or sofa always check that nothing is blocking the air outlet of the laptop.

-A very simple way to keep the laptop cool is to take four bottle caps and place them under each corner or your laptop, this will create a sort of stand for your laptop and your laptop will respire really well and when the laptop will be cool then it will also not let you get hot over it.

Summer is a time which has always proved to be hard for the electronics but just like you protect yourself from the heat through lots of ways, same should be the attitude for your electronics if you want them to work well even in the hot season of summers.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The unequivocally initial thing to do when deliberation purchasing a code brand brand brand new laptop is to select a couple of opposite laptops we have been meddlesome in as well as afterwards try to review laptop mechanism to see what is a improved worth for your money. Let’s contend we have been seeking for a many appropriate laptop for 1000 dollars or cheaper. First, you’re starting to wish to find laptops which tumble in to which category. Then we will review laptop mechanism to slight down your choices.

Ways to Compare Laptop Computer Before Purchasing

A couple of things we will wish to demeanour for when we go to review laptop mechanism is how many is it starting to cost; how vast is a tough drive; how many mental recall does it have as well as what can a mental recall be upgraded to; how vast is a ocular shade upon a laptop; what kind of graphics label does a laptop come with; as well as final though positively not slightest is a processor.

Now which we know what to demeanour for when we have been ready to review laptop mechanism we will take a demeanour during these stream laptop computers which we can squeeze for underneath 00.

1. HP ProBook 4710 – Price Tag: 9

The HP ProBook comes with a accumulation of facilities customarily indifferent for aloft finish cover computers. So, have certain we take a rise during this a single when we review laptop mechanism online. The HP ProBook facilities a bigger set of keys as well as a seperate numeric keypad. One of a coolest facilities about a HP ProBook is a spill-resistant keyboard. It additionally comes with a vast 17.3-inch LED-backlit HD+ arrangement with a shade which is some-more energy fit than alternative LCD screens. This underline packaged cover comes with an Intel Core 2 Duo T6570 2.1GHz processor, as well as 4GB of DDR2 memory, along with a 320GB tough expostulate for lots of storage space.

If graphics is your thing, a HP ProBook facilities absolute ATI Mobility Radeon HD4330 dissimilar graphics. A built in Blu-Ray/DVDRW expostulate is only an additional further to an already installed laptop computer. The HP ProBook has a prolonged durability 8-cell battery as well as built in 802.11 a/g/n wireless technology. Make certain we do not jump over this renouned laptop when we do confirm to review laptop computer.

2. Apple MacBook – Price Tag: Starting during 9

The MacBook is a smashing product which offers us some-more preference when selecting a laptop mechanism to buy. It comes with what has been called a world’s many modernized handling system. The MacBook is immature too, as it’s done up of recyclable potion as well as aluminum. You get all we need with a MacBook right out of a box such as insurance from Personal Computer viruses, wireless capability, a ultimate Intel processors, as well as a fast handling system. If we do not take a demeanour during this laptop when we review laptop mechanism afterwards we have been indeed not we do yourself justice.

The Apple MacBook has a 160 GB tough expostulate giving we a lot of room to store your a a single preferred videos, music, pictures, as well as more. All MacBooks come with during slightest a 2.13GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor so we know it will be means to hoop any compulsory tasks.

3. Dell Studio XPS sixteen Laptop – Price Tag: 9

If we wish energy as well as looks afterwards we wish to unequivocally take a tighten demeanour during this baby when we review laptop computer. A couple of of a something good to eat we can design with a code brand brand brand new Dell Studio XPS sixteen laptop is full 1080p HD support; Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P7350; Genuine Windows Vista 64-bit Home Premium Edition; Widescreen 15.6 in. WLED LCD; DVD+/-RW or Blu-Ray drive; 250GB5 7200 RPM6 SATA tough drive; ATI Mobility RADEON graphics card; 3GB2 DDR3 SDRAM3 during 1067MHz (2 Dimms) for memory; wireless N capability; as well as a 6-cell battery.

Therefore, when we review laptop mechanism it is regularly critical to check to see what a categorical courage have been done of in a laptop we have been meditative about buying. If we do a small investigate as well as put a small time in seeking around we will have a intelligent shopping preference when we squeeze your code brand code brand brand new laptop computer. Always review laptop mechanism prior to shopping a code brand brand brand new a single or we might not get a many appropriate understanding possible.

Sony Bracelet Computer Concept of our Future

Present time is the time of mobility and portability of gadgets. But Sony always think one step head of time. After desktop is Laptop then Palmtop and slate and future is going toward bracelet type of computer which can be rolled on your wrist like a watch strap and can be used as full specification computer as and when required.

Developed to be worn as a bracelet, this computer concept is constructed out of a flexible OLED touchscreen. Earmarked for the year 2020, features like a holographic projector (for screen), pull-out extra keyboard panels and social networking compatibility, make the concept plausible. Ten years from now is not too far away, so how many of you think we’d be buying such gadgets?
Hiromi Kiriki created a concept that totally blew our mind, the Sony Nextep Computer, that can be worn on the wrist, detached and turned into a brilliant PC, as you can see in the above pictures.

Sony Nextep Computer Concept for 2020 by Hiromi Kiriki

Monday, July 26, 2010

World's Cheapest Computer Unveiled in India for $35

Computers sure have come a long way! Just a few short years ago, desktop computers and monitors were big, bulky and slow. Laptop computers were heavy and expensive. Today, desktops, laptops and netbooks are slimmer, faster, lighter and much more affordable. But imagine being able to purchase a brand new Wi-Fi enabled tablet computer for less than $50!

India’s $35 Tablet Computer

According to a recent report by the Associated Press, India has developed a new tablet computer designed for students. While there is nothing new about designing a new computer, this particular system is expected to cost $35. Last week, India’s Union Cabinet Minister for Human Resources Development (HRD), Kapil Sibal, unveiled a new low-cost tablet computer prototype. The computer was developed to provide Internet connectivity to students and teachers at an affordable price. The world’s cheapest computer, yet to be named, is powered by a 2-watt system for use in areas with little power.

$35 Tablet Computer Features:

Open-source Linux operating system
Internet browser
Wi-Fi enabled
USB port
PDF reader
Open Office Suite
Multi-media software
Video conferencing tools
Although there is no hard disk, the computer uses a memory card similar to many mobile devices. Additional features may also include a solar power option for recharging in rural areas where electricity is scarce.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Magic Mouse from Apple – Jewel of Your Desk

Why apple’s products are hot cake, they proved it once again. If you love cool gadgets and accessories, if you love new hardware to have than let me tell you this little mice, named as magic mouse, can take away your breath or may be you will lost in the beauty of this mouse.

You can call this mouse as the jewel of your desk and you would love to show this mouse to everyone and would love to take the credit as owner of this magic mouse.

Now lets talk about the function of this mouse -

This magic mouse is world’s first multi touch mouse with big multi touch censor

This one is really beautiful yet very simple with seamless design

No button, in fact whole mouse is a button

There is no scroll wheel in this magic mouse but you can scroll with your one finger at any where in this mouse

If you want to go right to left or left to right just use your two fingers and move your finger in the direction on this magic mouse

An in build chip differentiate swipe and scrolling

Magic mouse is wireless and connect through Bluetooth

Your can enjoy the connectivity upto 33 feet

You can control every function of this magic mouse by activate or deactivate any function on its software

This one will come with new mac desktop or if you want to have separate than you will have to pay $69.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

5 Reasons Why One Should Go for Apple iPad

If you are not the once who are tried the apple’s iPhone then you have got the golden chance to get yourself the new diva of technology for yourself. IPad has much larger display and pattern style with high end capability. Here are some features that will force you to call yourself a proud owner of “THE iPad”.

App store compatibility
iPad is an absolute apps storage device with 140000 apps within it. It includes everything from games to business apps and more. Just tap the App Store icon and you can browse, download anything, right to the iPad wirelessly.

Battery life
Having such an enormous feature within one screen may not allow you to get away from it, but you will think of the battery. But no more, you have got a device which has got a 10 hours battery life. It is about 2-3 hours better than any average net book.

Easy browsing
You will experience the best browsing through such wide screen and you can actually see your matter how it should be seen. You can adjust the page as per your convenience, whether you want a portrait or landscape. You are using the best navigating device that is your finger, so little flick or tap and you are enjoying the thing accurately. You can use more than one finger to browse making it an easy to use.

Thin and light
You have a 9.7 inches giant screen just slightly smaller than a magazine and only 1.5 pound in weight and 0.5 inch in wideness. You can carry it with you wherever you want and the back holding curve make it a more easy to pick and go.

3G experience
You have an additional option of 3G with Wi-Fi so if you are travelling and don’t have Wi-Fi network you can still get fast connectivity to internet through 3G and enjoy the surfing, downloading or getting directions of the new place.

You can get your iPad in three choices of storage capability which are 16GB, 32GB and 64GB, with or without 3G as per your need, at a price you can’t believe and can’t resist yourself to buy it.

So what are you waiting for, be the master of the most advanced technology of all time and enjoy. I think these are the enough reasons to have iPad.

Funny Firefox Logo Design, Fox Biting IE

There is one ad of the Firefox browser, Best Browser of World, show the fire fox is beating IE, so funny